
Friday, 5 April 2013


HEy! So, i am leaving for Poipet&Thailand tomorrow for outreach. I will be gone for 2 months--but I will still try to keep updaing everyone on what i've been up to.
FOr now, i will just tell you all some random information about random stuff i have done since my last blog post (which was a while ago...ooops )

Cool/wierd food:

--> Well, some people caught a snake, so i tried some of that! It was served steamed in a clear soupy broth on rice. And it was actually good! Really really good. But the skin was wierd and chewy.... it was striped (not that that matters)

-->ate snails. Gross. I am pretty sure they are from the river that runs in the middle of Battambang......  I would on ly eat them again if i had to.

-->Dried banana. Pretty much banana leather made out in the sun rolled out on tins.  This is good (obviously!--it's bananas!!). Yum

--> A partially formed duck fetus. Ummmmm.....i feel guilty about this one. I am pretty sure there is an unmentioned rule that says don't eat a duck fetus.  It was mushy and gross looking (had feathers!)--but the tase was actually pretty good.  Surprisingly.

RAndom Information:

--> i had to move rooms! I am out of Base 2 (whcih i miss), and now in The Green House.  My new room is hot. Really hot.
-->i am learning guitar! Woot woot :)
-->on saturdays i play ultimate. This is something i've done since hte beginning, but i don't think i ever told anyone.
-->i got to build a sink! That was fun: sand, cement, water........ and BAM! You get a sink
-->i completely made two more necklaces(sorry, i don't have a picture)  one is an ancj=hor(designed this one) and the other is a three legged camel named "ode" (which is camel in Khmer)
-->it has been super super hot......high 30s/low 40s.  = lots of sweating 

That was lots of fun--it was nice to see them, and it felt like Christmas because my mom sent lots of gift over (like homemade granola and cookies! And my Nana sent fruit leather!!)
It was wonderful to see them, and to show them where i live.

Well, that is all for now!

Hope anyone who is reading theis is doing wonderful :)



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