
Friday, 18 March 2016

Friendly Hello



Life here in Battambang is full! My Dad came to visit me for the weekend during a business trip to Malaysia, and he mentioned that time seems to stand still here—and that is exactly what it does feel like! Days are long and full—it feels as if I have already been here for a year, not merely two months. 

My typical day includes: Khmer language study with a tutor, self-study, and randomly trying to find people to talk to; classes, meetings, and teaching English at the ‘Youth Development Center’ here.  I also eat food…..rice. I eat lots of rice--and soup. I spend my evenings hanging out with people; drinking tea; reading; prepping for teaching English class; looking at stars.
Language has been :[fun+frustrating+hilarious+encouraging+confusing]...all in one.  The other day I went out to pick up some ginger from the market, and I had a full conversation with the seller!  I was also able to translate a story for a friend, and wrote my first Khmer sentences this past month.  I’m trying to celebrate the little language accomplishments…. 
A highlight from class was this past week, when we learnt about what it means to be a person of integrity.  It was very challenging and got me thinking a lot about how I live and act and speak…being a person of integrity in small decisions, as well as big ones.

We had a week in which our schedule went "out the window,"and we joined full-time with one of the YWAM ministries here. In the afternoons I continued to teach Level 12 English, but in the mornings
 I joined the ‘Women at Risk Ministry.'  This is the ministry I’ll be joining in the near future, so it was really nice to get to know the other women better and be able to share our visions, and what God has been speaking. We cleaned out a room/ space that will be a centre  for counselling, antenatal visits, meetings, prayer ministry, etc... We also went to a local slum to check up on some babies and visit with their families, as well as try to visit some pregnant ladies at the prison--  a potential future ministry opportunity.  I  helped with breast feeding and postnatal care at a crisis pregnancy house and was heavily involved with a young mom and her little premature baby boy who was eventually transferred to Phnom Penh for adoption.

Teaching English has been going well—we had final exams and most of my students passed. Yay! For the next month, I will be teaching a Basic Healthcare Class. I am super excited about this!

Fun Tid-bits from life…

  • My Dad came to visit for a weekend! It was a wonderful time full of talks, bike rides, fruit, movies, breakfasts and devotions. My heart was happy.
  • My two friends got married! We had fun celebrating them at their wedding—dressing up, dancing, and eating interesting food!
  • Two friends and I made a raft and brought it out to a big pond. It was so much fun. Yay for boats!
  • I had the privilege of helping support my friend in labour.

 Still learning what it looks like to “do” life here, but I am happy and content.

Thank you for all your prayers and support!

Sending much love your way…

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